What Does It Mean to Be Baptized Priest, Prophet, and King?

Baptism in the Catholic Church is far more than a symbolic washing—it is a transformative sacrament that unites the individual with Christ and imparts spiritual gifts essential for Christian life. Through baptism, a person is not only cleansed from original sin but also consecrated as a priest, prophet, and king, sharing in the very mission of Jesus Christ. These roles, deeply rooted in both Scripture and Tradition, form the foundation of Catholic spirituality and call every baptized Christian to actively participate in the life and mission of the Church.

This idea of being a priest, prophet, and king recently surfaced during my Bible study discussion on Revelation: “We know about the prophets in the Bible, but are there prophets living today?” I found myself hesitating, unsure of how to articulate an answer. Reflecting later, I recalled a lesson from Fr. Mike Schmitz in the Catechism in a Year podcast. He explained that Catholics, through baptism, share in Christ’s prophetic role—not by predicting the future as in Old Testament times but by proclaiming the Gospel through our words and actions.

This realization clarified that being a prophet today is about living out our baptismal call. Every baptized Catholic has the responsibility to spread the Good News and lead others to Christ. This deeper understanding of the roles of priest, prophet, and king reshaped my perception of what it means to live out my faith.

In this article, we will delve into the significance of these three baptismal roles, explore their biblical and traditional foundations, and discuss how we can embody them in our daily lives to grow in holiness and fulfill our mission as disciples of Christ.

The Threefold Office: Priest, Prophet, and King

Priests, Prophets, and Kings — Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon

This notion originates in the Old Testament, where the roles of priest, prophet, and king were distinct functions held by specific individuals chosen by God. In Jesus Christ, these three offices converge, and through Him, they are passed on to the baptized faithful. In Lumen Gentium (affiliate), the Second Vatican Council teaches that the laity share in Christ’s priestly, prophetic, and kingly offices, meaning they are called to sanctify, teach, and serve in unique ways.

Let’s take a closer look at what each of these roles entails for the baptized Catholic:

1. The Priesthood of All Believers

The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that through baptism, the faithful share in the “common priesthood of the faithful” (CCC 1268). This differs from the ministerial priesthood, which is conferred through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, but it holds profound meaning for every baptized person.

What Does It Mean to Be a Priest?

Being baptized as a priest means that you are called to offer sacrifices and participate in the sanctification of the world. In the Old Testament, the role of a priest was to offer sacrifices on behalf of the people to atone for sins and intercede with God. In the New Covenant, Christ is the eternal High Priest who offers Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the salvation of humanity.

When a Christian is baptized into Christ, they are joined to His priestly office. This means that the baptized are called to offer their lives as a spiritual sacrifice, uniting their prayers, works, and sufferings to Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. This is expressed during the Mass, where the laity offer their lives symbolically along with the bread and wine on the altar. St. Paul reflects this call when he writes, “Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship” (Romans 12:1).

Living Out the Baptismal Priesthood

The baptized person fulfills this priestly role through prayer, participation in the Sacraments, and by leading a life of holiness. Every day provides opportunities to offer up the joys and sufferings of life in union with Christ. Moreover, by fostering a life of personal and communal prayer, the baptized contribute to the sanctification of the world, leading others to God through their example of faith.

2. The Prophetic Role: Witnessing to the Truth

The second role imparted through baptism is that of a prophet. A prophet is someone who speaks on behalf of God, declaring His truth and calling people to live in accordance with His will. In the Old Testament, prophets were sent by God to proclaim His message, often challenging people to repent and return to the covenant.

What Does It Mean to Be a Prophet?

To be baptized as a prophet means to share in Christ’s mission of bearing witness to the truth of the Gospel. It involves proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ by word and action, not only through formal preaching but in the way Christians live their daily lives. Pope Francis has often reminded the faithful of their call to be “missionary disciples,” actively spreading the Gospel to the world, especially in places where it may be rejected or misunderstood.

The prophetic role of the baptized also involves standing up for justice, defending the dignity of every human person, and speaking out against sin. This requires moral courage and a willingness to face opposition for the sake of truth, just as many prophets in the Old Testament did. In today’s world, where moral relativism and secularism can obscure the truth of the Gospel, this prophetic role is more necessary than ever.

Living Out the Prophetic Role

Christians are called to live out their prophetic role by sharing their faith in their families, workplaces, and communities. This can be done through evangelization, catechesis, and living a life of integrity that reflects Christ’s teachings. Whether through direct conversations about faith or simply by being a witness of charity and hope, every baptized person is equipped to be a beacon of God’s truth in the world.

3. The Kingly Role: Serving with Humility

The third office conferred at baptism is that of a king. In the Old Testament, kings were responsible for governing the people and ensuring justice. Jesus, the King of Kings, redefined kingship by embracing humility and service, washing the feet of His disciples and giving His life for the redemption of humanity. His kingship is one of service, not of domination.

What Does It Mean to Be a King?

To be baptized as a king means to participate in Christ’s royal mission of serving others, particularly the poor, the marginalized, and the oppressed. Christians are called to exercise leadership by following Christ’s example of humble service, putting the needs of others before their own. Jesus taught that “the greatest among you will be your servant” (Matthew 23:11), and this principle is central to the Christian understanding of leadership.

In addition, the kingly office involves working to build God’s Kingdom on earth by promoting justice, peace, and the common good. It is not about seeking power or prestige but about using whatever influence and resources we have to uplift others and advance God’s purposes in the world.

Living Out the Kingly Role

The baptized live out their kingly role by practicing the works of mercy and advocating for justice in their communities. This includes feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, visiting the sick, and working to address the systemic causes of poverty and inequality. It also involves personal responsibility, as each person is called to reign over their own sinful inclinations and grow in virtue.

The Universal Call to Holiness

The threefold office of priest, prophet, and king is an invitation to embrace the universal call to holiness. In the Second Vatican Council’s Lumen Gentium, the Church affirmed that all baptized Christians are called to live lives of holiness, each according to their state of life. This call is not limited to clergy or religious but is extended to every member of the faithful.

By living out the priestly, prophetic, and kingly roles, baptized Christians are actively participating in the life and mission of the Church. Whether through personal prayer, evangelization, or service to others, each person has a unique contribution to make in the unfolding of God’s plan for salvation.

My Personal Journey of Growing in Holiness

Throughout my own life, I have experienced this threefold call in different ways. There was a time when I felt distant from the Church and unsure of my purpose, but God gradually drew me closer, especially through moments of hardship and interior reflection. I recall a pivotal moment during a visit to holy grounds with my mother. We attended the Latin Mass, and during that sacred liturgy, I heard the words “humility” and “humble love” interiorly. It was a call to surrender my pride and to follow Christ in a more profound way, relying on Mary’s example and intercession.

In my own journey, I’ve come to realize that being baptized as priest, prophet, and king is not about achieving perfection but about daily striving to live in God’s grace. Every moment is an opportunity to offer a prayer, to speak God’s truth, or to serve someone in need. This is how we fulfill our baptismal promises and grow in holiness, step by step, under the guidance of Christ and His Church.

By embracing the gifts and responsibilities of baptism, we are not only transformed ourselves, but we also become instruments of transformation in the world. Through prayer, witness, and service, we can reflect the light of Christ to others, fulfilling our roles as priests, prophets, and kings.

Conclusion: Embracing Our Baptismal Call

Being baptized as priest, prophet, and king is a profound invitation to actively participate in the life and mission of the Church. These roles are not confined to the clergy but belong to every baptized person, calling us to live lives of prayer, witness, and service. As priests, we are called to offer our daily lives as spiritual sacrifices; as prophets, we are tasked with proclaiming God’s truth; and as kings, we serve others, following Christ’s example of humility and love.

Living out this baptismal identity is a lifelong journey. It is through everyday moments—whether in prayer, conversation, or acts of kindness—that we fulfill our calling to holiness. By embracing our priestly, prophetic, and kingly roles, we not only grow in our own relationship with God, but we also help to build His Kingdom on earth.

For me, this journey has been deeply personal. The experience of visiting holy grounds and hearing the call to humility has reminded me that holiness is not an abstract ideal but a concrete, lived reality. Each of us is called to respond to this invitation, knowing that God’s grace is with us at every step. Through His grace, we can become true reflections of Christ, living out our baptismal identity with love and devotion.

beloved catholic heart

Hi there! I'm Jennifer, the heart behind Beloved Catholic. I love diving into our rich Catholic traditions and sharing articles that inspire and uplift. Whether you're looking for insights, encouragement, or just a place to feel at home, I'm so glad you're here!

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